
Mr Robert Archibald Gilchrist Sinclair

21st January 2022

On the 20th day of January 2022, the Commission imposed a discretionary financial penalty of £196,000 on Robert Archibald Gilchrist Sinclair and prohibited him from holding the position of controller,* director, partner, manager, money laundering reporting officer and money laundering compliance officer for a period of 5.6 years. 

The exemption set out in section 3(1)(g) of the Fiduciaries Law (which would otherwise permit Mr Sinclair to act as a director of not more than six companies) has also been disapplied in respect of Mr Sinclair for a period of 5.6 years.

The above sanctions were imposed on Mr Sinclair following his failure to meet the Minimum Criteria for Licensing as set out in Schedule 1 to The Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Business and Company Directors, etc (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020.

More details to follow in due course.

*Subject to a limited exception permitting Mr Sinclair to pursue Civil Action Number 2394 in the Royal Court of Guernsey