
Online Submissions Notice - Investment Designated Manager Statistical Quarterly Return Forms 141a and 141b and Investment Quarterly Return 145

8th January 2016

Investment Designated Manager Statistical Quarterly Return 141a and 141b  / Form NST


Further to the Commission's news release of 30 December 2015,  Returns 141a and 141b will not be released for use for the quarter ending 31 December 2015.  Instead for the quarter ending 31 December 2015 the existing Form NST should be completed and submitted.

The deadline for submission still stands as stated in our news release of 30 December 2015 being 19 February 2016.

Returns 141a and 141b will be released ready for use via the Online Submission Portal for the quarter ending 31 March 2016.


Investment Quarterly Return 145 /Form AM


A number of licensees have contacted the Commission to ask why they are being required to complete the Return 145 when they did not previously submit a Form AM.  During the course of the online submissions project we took the opportunity to review all of the information we obtain and decided to ask for certain information which would aid us in determining the impact and risk rating for each licensee and thus ensure the appropriate level of supervisory engagement is applied to licensees with minimum disruption.

Return 145 was developed to collect some of that information.  The remainder of that information will be included in Return 142, Annual Accounts and Annual Returns - Licensees.   Further guidance on Return 142 and Return 143, Annual Accounts and Annual Returns - Funds will be issued in due course.

Following feedback we have received regarding unintended consequences of the introduction of the Return 145, we have decided that it should not be used for the quarter ending 31 December 2015.  Please revert to using the Form AM.  For the avoidance of doubt, only those licensees that have previously submitted a Form AM should do so for the quarter ending  31 December 2015.   The deadline for submission of Form AM has been extended to 19 February 2016.

Return 145 should be completed by all licensees for whom it appears on their Online Submissions Timeline for the quarter ending 31 March 2016.  After this initial submission, many licensees, dependant on their impact rating and main regulated activity, may not be required to submit the information on Return 145 as frequently as quarterly (possibly only annually).  Each licensee's timeline on the online submissions portal will reflect this accordingly in due course. 



We apologise for any inconvenience caused however, matters should be eased for certain affected licensees upon resolution of the issues which have been highlighted and fed back to the Commission following the introduction of Return 145.  Given the Returns 141a, 141b and 145 are closely linked it made sense to withdraw all those returns for Quarter 4 2015.


Any queries relating to the above please contact Helen Lowe, Louise Bougourd or Emma Bailey in the Investment Supervision and Policy Division.

Any queries around accessing the Online Submissions Portal  please contact the Online Submissions Help Desk - [email protected] TELEPHONE +44 1481 733420.