
Instruction No. 02/2017 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses

10th April 2017

The Commission is today issuing Instruction Number 02/2017 for Financial Services Businesses and Prescribed Businesses replacing Instruction No. 01/2016 issued on 25 January 2017.

Ethiopia has now been added to Part B of the Instructions, which lists countries and territories with Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance, following concerns about the lack of effective implementation of an adequate AML/CFT framework within the country.  Further detail about the inclusion of Ethiopia can be found within the Instructions.

Copies of Instruction No. 02/2017 can be accessed on the Financial Crime section of the Commission’s website and via the below links:

Instruction No. 02/2017 for Financial Services Businesses

Instruction No. 02/2017 for Prescribed Businesses

10 April 2017