
The Commission releases Two New FAQs regarding the provision of Signatures

31st March 2020

Whilst Many Licensees are Working From Home, with reduced IT access, does the Commission still require signed application forms?

The Commission has received a number of enquiries from licensees who are working, with limited IT capacity, from home. Application forms require a ‘wet signature’.  Where licensee/applicants are finding this impossible, due to the lack of access to a printer/scanner, the following steps must be taken when submitting an application:

  • If a printer is available the paperwork should be printed, the signature box signed, and the individual representing the licensee/applicant should take a photo of the application form and email it to [email protected] along with a pdf version of the unsigned application form.
  • Where a printer is unavailable the licensee/applicant should copy out the signature box statement including any relevant declarations and the applicant’s name on a blank piece of paper, sign and date the statement then photograph and email in to the Commission as above together with a pdf copy of the application form without the signature box being completed.

Whilst Working From Home, with reduced IT access, I am struggling to sign an Online Services Agreement (“OSA”) to register on the Commission’s online Portals, What Should I Do?

 The Commission has received a number of enquiries from licensees who are working, with limited IT capacity, from home. OSAs require a ‘wet signature’.  Where people are finding this impossible, due to the lack of access to a printer/scanner, the following steps must be taken when submitting an OSA:

  • If a printer is available the paperwork should be printed, the signature box signed, and the individual should take a photo of the OSA and email it to [email protected];
  • Where a printer is unavailable the individual should copy out the signature box statement on a blank piece of paper, sign and date the statement then photograph and email in to the Commission as above together with a pdf copy of the OSA without the signature box being completed.