
AML/CFT Handbook - Appendix I Update

5th November 2021

The Commission has today updated Appendix I of the Handbook as a result of the FATF's announcement that it has removed Botswana and Mauritius from its list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring. FATF has added Jordan, Mali and Turkey to the list of jurisdictions under increased monitoring and Appendix I of the Handbook has been updated to reflect these changes.

Appendix I lists countries and territories that are identified by relevant external sources as presenting a higher risk of money laundering and/or financing of terrorism. Firms are encouraged to review the updated Appendix I in order to assess the impact that these changes may have on their business.

The FATF page on High-Risk and Other Monitored Jurisdictions can be found here.

Updated and tracked versions of Appendix I can be found within the Notices, Instructions & Warnings page. An updated version of the Handbook can be found here.