Personal Fiduciary Licence

New Applicants

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Applicable law

Licences are issued under the Regulation of Fiduciaries, Administration Businesses and Company Directors, etc. (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2020 ("the Law").

Applicants must read the minimum criteria for licensing set out in Schedule 1 to the Law. 

Personal fiduciary licence application pack

The licence application pack must contain:

  • Application form and supporting documentation: Scan the fully completed application form signed and dated and supporting documentation, as itemised in the application form, together with an explanatory covering letter scheduling the contents and send electronically to [email protected];

 Application Form for Personal Fiduciary

  • Application fee: The fee is non-refundable; Fees
  • Personal Questionnaire (“OPQ”) and Online Appointment ("OA"): OPQs and/or OAs must be submitted through the Online PQ Portal.

Application process

We will assess and review the application pack and inform the applicant, or its professional advisers, of any matters requiring expansion or clarification. Once all queries have been satisfied, the application will be referred to a decision-maker. A formal response will follow decision-making.


Indicative timeframe

We will advise if the submission is requires further expansion and clarification. We aim to grant or refuse a licence within 28 calendar days of receipt of a fully completed application pack.

Application quality

The response time may be advanced or substantially delayed depending on the quality of the application pack.

Written response

We will send a written response detailing any matters that require expansion or clarification to enable the application to be referred to a decision-maker.

Application conclusion


Any conditions which may be imposed on the licence will be scheduled in a letter. Conditions will have been discussed with applicants in advance.

Annual fee

Upon licensing, the annual licence fee becomes due, which is reduced pro rata in the first year; an invoice will be sent with the licence letter.